139 Scroggin Park
Georgetown, KY 40324
fax 502-863-3771

Public Housing and Section 8 Announcement



The Section 8 Waiting List is currently closed and no applications will be accepted at this time.  Please check back periodically on this website to see if it is open.  

Next Steps to Determine Your Program Eligibility


1)    Preference Verification. You’ll need to provide supporting documentation for the preference you claimed, if you claimed a preference.  If you’re unable to provide supporting documentation, you will be placed back on the waiting list. Your waiting list position can change based on the preference selection and verification of other applicants.

2)    Balance Owed to ANY Housing Authority:  If you owe an outstanding balance to any housing authority, you must pay that balance before the processing of your application.

3)    Criminal Background Check:  All adults in the household. 

4)    Sex Offender Registration:  All adults in the household will be checked for a registration status.

5)    Household Composition:  Provide Social Security cards for all household members; not copies. Picture identification for all adults.  For children, certified birth certificates; not hospital copies.

6)    Citizenship Status Declaration:  Citizenship status will be verified for program eligibility.

7)    Household Income:  You must provide verification of the gross income for the entire household. Your income will be compared to program income limits for the total number of people in the household

8)    Assets:  Average 6-month balance of checking/savings.

9)    Expenses:  Once you have been determined eligible for the program, eligible expenses will be verified, e.g., childcare.  For disabled households, medical &/or disability expenses.



To edit, update, change or claim a preference, and check your waiting list position:


1)    Log onto our website (http://www.gtownha.org) and click "Section 8 Applications"

2)    You will need 3 things:

a.    Social Security Number.

b.    Date of Birth.

c.    Last Name.

3)    Once your application appears, you may perform your changes &/or updates.


Applicants who edit their application on-line must wait 10 business days for housing authority processing.   You may also call the housing authority for waiting list positions.


Important: Because the waiting list is based a preference hierarchy, applicants must be aware that waiting list positions can change daily if other applicants claim a higher preference than what you’ve chosen.

Verification & Documents You Need to Provide


  • Certified Birth Certificates (Minors & those 62 & older)
  • Social Security Cards (All household members)
  • Picture Identification (All adults)  
  • Marriage License                            
  • Full-Time Student Status Enrollment
  • o   Tuition Costs
  • o   Grants &/or Scholarship
  • Child Custody Paperwork – Temporary & Permanent
  • Expenses
  • o   Childcare Out-of-Pocket Expenses
  • o   Childcare Contract
  • o   Prescriptions (Only disabled households)
  • o   Medical Costs (Only disabled households)
  • o   Disability Expenses (Only disabled households)
  • Assets
  • o   Checking Account (6-month average balance)
  • o   Credit Union Share Draft Account (6-month average balance)
  • o   Savings Account (6-month average balance)
  • o   Retirement Accounts
  • o   Real Estate/Property Deeds
  • o   Life Insurance (Whole or Universal Policies)
  • Income
  • o   Pay Stubs (8 consecutive pay stubs)
  • o   Social Security Administration Award Letter
  • o   Pension Award Letter
  • o   Child Support Agreement
  • o   Child Support Print-Out for the last year
  • o   K-TAP
  • o   Kinship Care
  • o   Monetary Contributions to the Household
  • o   Non-Monetary Contributions to the Household